Day 5: Wednesday July 15 
The group started the morning with an invigorating and brisk bike ride to high rock cliff jump, where the group plummeted into some wavy waters. After this, they biked back to the Island School and split into two different groups. The first group went out to go catch sharks by placing bait on a series of hooks the British people on the boat called "ganjuns". The group (group A) caught a juvenile tiger shark of about 6 feet. Then, the group A measured and placed a tag on it. The second group (group B) went out to various reefs to explore fish, coral, invertebrates, and sediments. Group B discovered a four foot barracuda which was extremely exciting. After three hours the groups returned to the boat house and then had lunch. Following lunch the groups switched roles where group A went to the reefs and the group B went to find sharks. Group B came upon a nurse shark which they measured and tagged. Speaking of nurse sharks, the group A also found a nurse shark while snorkeling the reefs. Andrew Tartaro, who had been extremely worried all week about sharks, conquered his fear when he was the one to spot this animal. After this, the group returned to pack for their down island camping trip tomorrow. FUN!!!! After all these activities the group took a break till it was dark. They then scoured the waters to look for some octopuses and bioluminescence. Thanks to our fearless guides, Lydia and Sophie, we caught a small octopus in a small bucket. The group watched as the animal changed color to match its environment.  No bioluminescence was found. However, thanks to some other cool discoveries, the night was not a waste. For now, the group awaits a peaceful night of sleep before they enjoy their sleep in until 7 AM! At which point, the group will get breakfast and head out for a down island camping trip where several "surprises" await. Good night to all reading, from your classy blogger crew, Ben and Anna ;).


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