Cambodia: Day 5, Shadow Puppets

We started off the day at 9 o'clock and headed to the Wat Bo monastery for a shadow puppet workshop! They showed us their technique for creating the art of shadow puppetry. They stand in front of a sheet and behind a light (typically fire) to magnify the shapes cast by their shadow puppet leather sheets. They also showed us their sidestepping dance routine to compliment the puppetry performance. What fun! They told us about the origins of shadow puppetry and what drove them to become shadow puppeteers. After the workshop we went to lunch at Marum restaurant. At Marum they provide aid to local community to learn serving in hotels and restaurants, after which they're guaranteed a job. Everyone enjoyed a variation of a shake or smoothie, which included local ice. How daring! Lunch was followed by a trip to two different temples. The first one being Ta Prohm, the location of the filming of the Angelina Jolie tomb raider movies. The architecture was stunningly detailed and the trees were very large. The second temple we visited was called Bayon. This tower-like structure was coated in intricately detailed faces carved into most surfaces at its peak. Both temples were unforgettable and very impressive architecturally. The gang finished the day by enjoying a little time off until dinner where the group went out through the rain to a local restaurant. There, we unwound to bring the day to a close. Good night all!



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